
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Weight Loss Tips for Working Professionals

Your body weight sometimes reaches a dangerous scale after you start working. Most of the jobs today do not require any physical activity and thanks to the advent of technology, we barely even raise a finger. Then comes those take out birthday parties, or team sessions; we cannot resist but increase our over eating habits. This does not mean you are bound to quit the job for your healthiness. Here are some weight loss tips that you can incorporate in your working vicinity:

Water is Life: Drinking eight glasses of water everyday will not only calm you down off the work pressure but the hydration will help you concentrate. Water cannot be categorized in to a food section yet it prevents those cravings for sweets and it does not have a single calorie. It speeds up your metabolism and helps break down the carbohydrates. Many people mistake thirst for hunger, so it is best to feed yourself some amount of liquid before you grab a heavy meal.

Sleep well: Twenty fours are never enough for people with responsibilities but it should be understood that even your body needs some rest. Sleeping at least six to eight hours a day helps your body to rejuvenate and function properly. You feel dizziness and depressed making you go for the energy boosters like candy bars. Studies say deprivation of sleep leads to the production of cortisol, also known as the stress hormone, which leads to the unwanted fat around the belly.

Fresh air between breaks can be utilized by walking around the office or outside the work place. If the breaks are too small, try hitting the stairs. The breaks will not only help burn the fat but also refresh you up. Nevertheless, you can take a walk while you head for office or on the way back home.

Be happy: Staying happy can do wonders not only to your skin but to your overall outlook. Whenever something goes wrong, count to ten. If that does not work, think if this is going to affect you ten years down the line, if not why waste your time, energy and most importantly, your health to such a petty issue. Happy hormones are a key to success and are beneficial in more than just weight loss.

Rule your stomach: Stress is everywhere, and you can do nothing to prevent it. Use your brain; be strict with your diet before you indulge yourself with "emotional eating".

To Find Out More About Weight Loss Click Here.

Essential Truths About Your Diet

You Will Never Lose Weight Unless You Do These 2 Essential Things! This Is Something You Cannot Miss

If you're having trouble losing weight and feel stuck in your weight loss journey, you've come to the right place. Don't despair about the fact that you aren't able to successfully lose weight. Failure is natural... It's only an indication that things aren't working the way you expected them to work. It tells you whether you need to correct your course or not.

I've had serious trouble when it comes to losing weight. Eventually, I overcame all those obstacles and succeeded. If I can do it, so can you. It's possible for you to have that sexy beach body that everyone will stare at with amazement. You just need a system that works and you need to act on that system on a persistent and consistent manner to succeed.

Here are the essential things you must do at all costs if you want to lose weight...

Develop world class motivation...

Developing world class motivation is really the SECRET to achieving goals faster. Without motivation, you will feel stuck and hopeless. We need a REASON to do it. Otherwise, our rational brain will keep on asking the question, "Why the hell should I suffer"? Working out regularly and dieting regularly will require a lot of will power. It's not going to be easy.

The rational mind will always try to justify why you don't need to work that hard. Unless you have a strong reason WHY, you'll never be able to stick to your plans. Find out why you want to achieve your goal. What will happen if you don't lose weight? What if you stay the same? Answer all these questions in your journal.

Write the answers to these questions every single day in the morning and in the evening. As you continue your weight loss journey, your answers will begin to differ day by day as you get closer to your goals. You will feel better and have more self-esteem because you know that something you are doing is WORKING.

Have a world class vision...

World class vision is absolutely essential if you want to lose weight. Your self-image plays a crucial role when it comes to your weight loss success. Your actions, behaviors, thoughts and feelings will always be congruent to your self-image. The self-image is an imaginary conception of the self that we all have in our minds. We always act in congruence with this particular image.

Changing the self-image is the key to any form of behavior change. If you have an image of yourself as a person who's obese, lazy and overweight, you will always make choices that are congruent to this particular vision by doing things like eating junk foods, skipping workouts, etc.

See yourself with the sexy beach body in your mind. Imagine yourself being the best self you can be. Visualize waking up in the morning and carrying out all the activities that you have to do each day. Visualize being that productive person you want to be.

Spend about 30 minutes daily visualizing the ideal outcome you want. Do this for a minimum of thirty days. If you do that, you will NATURALLY start to do the things that will get you closer to your weight loss goals.

A Sure shot Trick To Lose 3 Pounds A Week - There's an extremely effective system which will allow you to lose three pounds a week without starvation or pills... You will lose weight and get that sexy beach body in no time flat once you follow this system. I encourage you to find out more about this system on the following page - Click Here

Essential Truths About Your Diet